“At the Risk of Faith: I Trust in God and I’m Safe In His Arms” Psalm 91:1-23; 2 Timothy 1:7, 8-14
“At the Risk of Faith: In Remembrance of Me” Luke 22:14-23; KJV
At the Risk of Faith: A Word of Encouragement” 2 Timothy 1:7; KJV
“At the Risk of Faith: Overcoming Trouble” John 16:1-4, KJV
Saint Paul Church Durham, Dr. William-Hazel Height “At the Risk of Faith: Deliverance at Midnight” Acts 16:25-34
Saint Paul Church Durham, Dr. William-Hazel Height Guest Pastor: Rev. Carl Kenney Sermon Title- “A Message to a Complaining Crowd” Exodus 16: 2-4, 9-15; KJV
Saint Paul Church Durham, Dr. William-Hazel Height Guest Pastor: Rev. Carl Kenney “Lessons Between Faith and Doubt” John 6:1-21;KJV
Saint Paul Church Durham, Dr. William-Hazel Height Guest Pastor: Pastor Carl Kenney Sermon Title: ” Managing Your Freedom” Part 2 Text: Galatians 5:1
Guest Pastor: Pastor Carl Kenney Sermon Title: ” Managing Your Freedom” Part 1 Text: Galatians 5:1
“At the Risk of Faith: There Is an Opportune Time for Everything” Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 GNB