Dr. William-Hazel Height, Pastor Guest Pastor: Rev. Carl Kenney Hebrews 11:4; NIV
John 16:31-33; NKJG, Message
Philippians 4:6 NKJV
Romans 8:35-39
Isaiah 40:27-31; NKJV
Philippians 4:4-7; NKJV
“At the Risk of Faith: Content Whatever My Circumstance” Philippians 4:10-14; NKJV
Saint Paul Church Durham, Dr. William-Hazel Height Guest Pastor: Pastor Carl Kenney Theme: “I’m Tired of Singing the Blues” Text: Psalms 137: 1-6
Luke 5:1-11, NKJV
“At the Risk of Faith: It’s Good to Be Alive” John 10:1-10; HCSB